CSSRI: Your Friend and Guide during Exams

Most of the students, across high school and university classrooms, breathe a sigh of relief and begin celebrations when exams are officially over. This euphoria expresses their joy of successful completion of rigorous course work they study throughout the year.

Exams are a necessary evil. They assess your overall understanding of the subject matter and examine how well you can answer questions based on your course study.

Critics often criticize the exam system by arguing that it promotes a superficial understanding of topics. Also that it fails to represent the kinds of things students will be asked to do “in real life”.

CSSRI provides a trustworthy online platform for several exam schedules and results like the dreaded board exam time table for students. It is one of the rapidly growing web portals to provide the relevant and most correct information regarding upcoming government job openings, application form, results, admit card, answer key, and time table. There are also updates and preparation material for school studies, entrance exams, college admissions, government jobs, talent search exams, and olympiads.

What do you want from assessment?

Good assessment programs are geared towards providing a balanced, fair evaluation of each student. They use a variety of strategies and tasks

Rather than abolishing exams, you should instead prepare the right mix of assessment tasks most appropriately suited for each subject. Let’s analyze the benefits of exams.

Exams Focus on Breadth

Exams accurately test students’ understanding of given topics. The exams not only help develop thinking skills, such as analysis and decision-making, but also give students’ opportunities to demonstrate what they know and can do.

Exams are Harder to Cheat on

There is one more reason that makes exams useful. It is harder to cheat during exams than essays you are to prepare. It is clear that plagiarism is a serious problem for universities. Tasks that cannot be purchased or copy-and-pasted must be integrated into the mix.

Exams Do Enhance Learning

There is evidence that both studying and sitting for exams deepens learning.

Studying is like exercising. It is a proven fact that exercise makes the muscles grow stronger. Likewise, the process of searching through ones memory and retrieving the relevant information exercises your brains and strengthens your memory.

Exams make you search the memory for relevant responses, and knitting this information together into an appropriate answer. CSSRI understands the importance of exams in a student’s life. Besides providing all the information and help in the form of study material, it also makes available exam results like University exam result. So let’s enjoy the exams with the help of CSSRI.

Published by CSSRI.ORG

cssri.org is one of the rapidly growing web portal to provide the relevant and most correct information as per gathered from various sources regarding Latest and Upcoming Sarkari Job details, Exam Online Application Form, Results, Admit Card, Answer Key, Time Table etc. Also get updates and preparation material for school studies, entrance exams, college admissions, government jobs, talent search exams, Olympiads.

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